Autistic individuals are here to teach us that they will not conform to society’s standards of the way they live. They’re here to show us how to conform to their way of living, whether we like it or not. In all honesty, they don’t care about what we think. We care about what we think. And in that, there’s freedom in conformity and ego. The hardest thing for us to separate for us as human beings ~ our soul, which is in its pure essence, from the ego. Autistic individuals are already living in their purest essence, which is in total alignment to our Source. Therefore, they’re showing us our own truest essence, and how to demonstrate to us that difference — that separation. So, by not changing or fixing them, we’re fixing us. We’re fixing our approach to their way. They’re imperfectly perfect, and there’s nothing about any special needs individual that needs to be fixed. All they need is love and acceptance. But the biggest lesson is them actually showing us what we need to accept and fix about ourselves.

What if we changed our thought process — our perspective? Instead of asking, “How can we make it better for them to fit into what we believe is a normal life?” Maybe we ask ourselves this, “How can we make it more comfortable for us to fit inside their normal lives?” I mean, what the heck is normal anyway? No one I know is. Is it getting a college education, getting married, having children, being successful, having the picture-perfect house or car? Nothing wrong with any of that, by the way. I’m just sayin’! I mean, who defines this? What if their souls are coming onto our planet — more and more — in large numbers to change us? Because they are “changing” us. What if it’s to raise our frequency to theirs, and not the other way around? Maybe they’re not meant to be ‘normal’. Maybe they’re here to teach us: patience, understanding, unconditional love, how to be in a moment, freedom. Freedom from what? You may ask. From our own self-absorbent egos… how we look, what we make, what others think, who we vote for, etc… Because truth be told, they don’t care about any of that. They just are. And God forbid that is our life’s purpose…to just be…to not accomplish any accolades, awards, or trophies or be the most successful person on the block with the biggest house. To be the all-time, talented sport’s jock. The next best lawyer or doctor. What if they are here to just be? To simply change the world by existing in their purest, most natural form. God made us all different for a reason. So, wouldn’t these individuals have theirs? Of course, they do! So, why does society always feel the need to control it for them, or to change the course of their destiny? What if the only answer on how to respond to their so-called condition, “autism,” is to just be loved and accepted? That’s it! Would that be so bad? Isn’t that what we all strive for anyway? What if their main purpose is to remind us that’s all that really matters? Wouldn’t that be enough? It should be. Maybe next time you run into a parent with an autistic child you don’t make a recommendation for them on how to fix or make it better for their child or themselves. Maybe you mean well, yes. But, maybe you’re insulting them because it translates to, “Your child isn’t good enough as is, so let me assist in making them a better human being! Or you haven’t thought about that yet as a parent? What are you some kind of idiot?” Trust me. We have. Before you. Wouldn’t you be insulted if it was your so-called ‘normal’ kid? I mean, if the parent asks for your advice, then by all means, go for it and give it ALL away! But if I had to guess, they’re not. Because most of them have thought about ten-hundred times more things for their own child than you could have ever imagined! So, we’re not asking…unless we are “really” asking. Most of the time, it’s unwanted advice and not needed. However, this is what a parent of an autistic child wants to hear. I know because I am one. “Hey, you’re doing a great job! But, if you ever need anything or any recommendations, I have some good ones, and I’m here for you. How can I help?” Offer, but don’t push. Then, allow them the decency to ask on their own terms. It’s not personal. That parent of an autistic child has one thousand thoughts, ideas, plans, solutions, hopes, cares, work ahead, therapy, schooling, you name it, etc…on their brains. The last thing they need is an unsolicited suggestion about how playing outside and socializing with other kids can help them tremendously, changing their diets can fix their gut issues, or therapy works wonders! Duh!!! We know, and it’s not always that simple. I’m just trying to save you from the ignorance. I’m not meaning your intentions aren’t coming from a good place; They usually are. But, we’re not raising lab rats. We’re raising children, just like you are.

The rainbow’s symbolism is hope. The storm always passes. The sun eventually comes out, and you have to get through the rain to see the rainbow.  The rainbow is the symbol for autism. So, wouldn’t the symbolism for autism be hope? Incase you forgot the true meaning of the word, let me refresh your memory. “Hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes in ones’s life or the world at large.” If you ask me, that’s exactly what they’re here to teach. Couldn’t be a more “perfect” plan or individual made from God; God doesn’t make mistakes. But God doesn’t create free will. We do, and so does the soul. So, respect these individuals’ decision to come here as they are, while we have the free will to reposed to them as we choose. Choose wisely. Put yourself in their shoes. Would they judge you? So, who’s the one who needs to conform? They’ve already mastered it! They are the true teachers. We are their students. Not the other way around. Like it or not. It is what it is. If it makes you uncomfortable that you can’t control or fix them, then you’re the one who needs fixing. On that last note, if your intention is to love, guide, care for, accept, acknowledge, embrace, spend time with, get to know, and encourage them, then thank you and you’ve learned their lesson.

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