Birthday Note

“Glowing UP”

#Thisis45 ((9.24))

Every year for my birthday, I like to take a moment to reflect on the last year. I like to write a blog for my birthday, regarding how I feel where I am in my life. Currently, I am in a place of triumph, moving on, and what I like to call, “glowing UP”!

This last year, I have been handed some pretty challenging situations — without stating what they are specifically — I do not like to beat to the drum of problems, and I do not like to play victim to my circumstances. We all have difficult circumstances in our lives to learn from. Although these certain situations could have torn me down, I instead have grown from them significantly! Like the phoenix, I feel I have risen from the ashes! I am not dismissing the hardships that I have been through. However, I have chosen to feel them, learn from them, heal from them, move on from them, and “glow up” from them!!!

I am coming into a completely new chapter of my life, whereas I am divulging within and serving my heart, soul, and needs — first and foremost! Of course, I am a mother, so the needs and care of my family are of the upmost priority and importance! What I’m saying is that although I am centered around always taking care of them, it doesn’t mean that I neglect my own. In other words, I have come to the conclusion, that through trying to not lose other people, and taking care of everyone else’s needs, you lose yourself in the process. I have learned that it doesn’t matter sometimes how much you give of yourself to certain people. Sometimes, they still let you down and break your heart. They still expect certain things from you. Sometimes no matter how much you do for them, it still may never be enough. The difference is now I know that that has nothing to do with me, and it has everything to do with them. I am just an innocent bystander who is in the crossfire of their projection. It is nothing I did. Because I did everything I could for them. So, how could it be? The punishment doesn’t always fit the crime. You can be a an incredible person, and still be mistreated. I know who I am in my heart and all the wonderful blessings and abundance that I have to shower onto others that I have relationships with in my life, and that is good enough! If they don’t see it, then it is their problem. I know longer waste my energy on trying to make them see what I offer or bring to the table. I simply move on, let go, and give it to God! I would rather be at peace then be right or make them see the light! I have my own journey to live and they have theirs. My journey is going to look the way I want it to look, and it does not matter if anyone agrees with it, if it makes them happy, or it brings some grief, because at the end of the day, it is my life to live. Those who truly love me and see my value, will see it without me having to push that insight onto them. The relationship will just flow effortlessly. I am not saying that relationships do not take work. They all take work! What I’m saying is, is that true relationships will stand the test of time of ups and downs without any expectations, and those individuals will be willing to stick around to work on it because you’re worth it to them. I will never force another to stay in my life! Ever. The beauty of my relationship with others will be in a blissful place ~ an even exchange of give and take, respecting where the other is in that stage of their life. It will not cast judgment. It will hold a place of respect, a safe space to exchange feelings and emotions, yet draw healthy boundaries. What has ended, or has filtered away, was meant to come to an ending. It or they was not meant for you any longer. It will no longer hold any negative space for me or serve me from this point forward. It lives in the past. I do not live in the past, nor live in the future. I choose to dwell in the present. The past has molded me, and the future brings me excitement and anticipation! It also gives me continuous inspiration to keep dreaming, live with passion, and aim to live my best life! But that’s as far as it should go. Otherwise, you miss the NOW moments! That is the best that I have in my ability within myself, and that should be enough… not only for others, but more importantly, for myself.

Everyone has something significant to contribute and everyone’s life matters! It’s finding that within yourself and relationships with others who mirror that back to you. Life is short and precious. I know that from losing a best friend and a sister young in my life! We’re not meant to constantly struggle. Struggle comes with the journey as being human, but it’s not meant to be the dominant force in our lives. Let go of the anger, grief, resentment, etc… that poison just eats you alive. Accept what is — among others and on our planet. Who’s to say they or it isn’t exactly where it should be anyway? Love, joy, passion, creating, manifesting, laughter, etc… is meant to be why we are here. If we aren’t in a place where those things aren’t driving us, then we’re not in the right place. It’s up to us to change it. No one else. Don’t waste another minute accepting that there isn’t more your’e entitled to, for you are entitled to very good situations and people in your life! Period. There is always more out there that can help us expand happiness! My mantra now is, “Don’t settle for less than what you deserve!”

I’m “glowing UP” — HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!

Every challenging situation makes you stronger, that’s why they happen to us in the first place. Remember: “At the end of the storm, there is the rainbow.”

#makethatwish #surrenderthehow #miracleshappeneveryday #nevergiveup #happybirthdaygirl #libraseason #newbeginnings #glowingup

A Soulmate💞

What is a soulmate, one may ask? Well, most of us know. I see that word being thrown around and used lightly. A soulmate typically refers to a “romantic” partner but it doesn’t have to be. It can be a friend or family member as well. In my opinion, it’s a long-standing relationship where you feel a special connection like a “soul-connection” or this nagging like you’ve known the person your whole life or even in a past one.

However, there’s still lust or “love of your life” and it doesn’t necessarily mean it is. There’s also a misconception that a soulmate relationship is easy. They’re NOT!!! They are actually our most challenging, because they’re typically meant to show us big lessons and substance. They’re not the surfaced relationships that come in and out just to teach us something, or just for the fun, although they can be. But really, a true soulmate or soul connection is a lifer! A “ride or die”, some may even say.

How you know, how you really know when you’ve got yourself a “soulmate”? They don’t just love you when life is easy! They don’t just tell you what you want to hear just to appease you, they don’t buy your love, love bomb you, take you all around the world, etc… and then that qualifies ~ where it’s always fun and fantastical, hot, heavy and passionate! In the beginning, sure! Yes. It’s called the “honeymoon phase” for a reason. I’m not saying there’s not this undeniable, electric connection! There usually is. What I’m saying is that a soulmate shows doesn’t just tell. They show up everyday for you even when they don’t always want to or have it within themselves, because they put you first. They fight for you until the end, no matter what. Even when they don’t agree. They love you on your ugliest days. They don’t just love the best parts of you, they love ALL of you, even the parts they detest. They don’t just love you on the weekends when it’s fun and easier! They love you on Mondays when it’s mundane or mediocre, boring or hard! They don’t judge you. They try and understand you. Mainly, they never ever give up on you!

So, if you wanna know if someone in your life is a “soulmate” ~ see if they’re still there for the long haul! If they’ve loved you on your darkest days! If they love you when you asked them to or needed them to, and didn’t ever tell you, “I can’t be what you need me to be!” Because true lifers, soulmates, don’t make it about themselves. Maybe some days you can’t be what someone wants or needs you to be. Sometimes you even dislike them, but you never give up on them. Soulmates don’t give up on their soulmate. Ever.

A true soulmate is always adjusting themselves to compromise for you so they always have you in their life, because they can’t live without you in it. If they can, they’re not your soulmate. That’s okay if they’re not, not everyone is, but don’t give them that title unless they’ve truly earned it! You’ll know when it’s the real deal. It will never even be questioned. It won’t be easy, but it’ll (they) will be worth it. You don’t have to prove it to the rest of the world or push it down their throats. The proof is in the pudding! You also don’t have to tattoo them on your body for them to stick. Typically if these components are in the equation, they’re not the real deal! Everyday when you wake up and roll outta bed, they’ll be there in your life without question.

That’s a soulmate! Tread lightly with that term because lust is not love. Conveniency, control, and conditions aren’t love either. Neither is saying how much you love someone. I used to have someone always say, “I love you more,” after every, “I love you.” That person gave up on us. That proves nothing! Maybe they don’t even say it enough, but they show up everyday to show you. Lastly, they would never ask you to give up who you truly are for them. I’m not saying healthy boundaries or change isn’t necessary in growth during any relationship, but they don’t ask you to be someone you’re not. They don’t ask you to give up things and people you love. They should be loyal to a fault. You never have to question their character, heart, integrity, etc… a soulmate has got your back, and they will never stab you in it when you turn around. They are the ones protecting you, giving you sense of security, and when people are speaking badly of you when you’re not in the room, they’re there to stick up for you. They are always there rooting you on, even on their weakest days. They will give whatever they have up for you; they will go the distance.

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2024 and the Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024 is bringing out people’s true colors and paying back karmic debts! Let the truth set you free! Situations and relationships end in order for new chapters and ones to begin. The snake is shedding its skin. Look out for the wolf in sheep’s clothing and those who have your back. “It’s hard to tell who has your back, from who has it long enough just to stab you in it.”

“Beware the person who stabs you and then tells the world they’re the one who’s bleeding.”

These are the characters who will be revealing themselves. And for those who have already been there, you know the pain all too well. Right? It doesn’t feel fair. Sometimes, we give our hearts to people, we’re vulnerable, honest, real, and good to them, and we still get burned. We may be used, abandoned, ghosted, etc… They steal our pure energies or even emotionally or physically rob from us. However it ends, it still ends. Whatever the betrayal looks like, it’s still betrayal. We may feel the need to even take revenge, but don’t. Instead, take the high road. And I’ll tell you why…

There is no need to seek vengeance. Karma will take care of that on its own. The victimizer will become the victim. The backstabber will become the backstabbed. Life has a way of doing onto them what they have done onto others. You live by the sword, you die by the sword.

It may not be done by you, but another will do exactly the same to them, or a situation will occur where they will pay their karmic debts.

So, sit back my good-hearted ones! Grab a bag of popcorn or a glass of wine, and watch with a sly smile on your face as the movie (of revenge) plays out! Trust that you will watch the enemy unravel before your eyes. It will not only be fair and just, but better than anything you could’ve planned for them with your own plan. Let the universe do its karmic work. It’s not that we want to see them hurt necessarily, but to say that we just want them to feel exactly the pain that they caused onto us. Not because we’re mean, but because we are human. And to do that? It’s not through words. It’s only through actions. Show don’t tell.

It won’t take away the pain that they cast on you. It won’t even erase the good memories you shared with them up until the point of betrayal, and that’s okay. You want to hold onto the good memories. It molded you into who you are today. Also, you will gain. What? You may ask. What will I gain? Self-worth. Value for what you bring to the table. Boundaries. Trusting more in yourself. Growth. Evolving. And a brand new chapter. In order to begin to walk through that door of all new opportunities, experiences, and relationships, you must let go of those who no longer serve you. Let it be! Let it be a lesson learned. Not only for you, but for them. Because when they feel your absence, they will live with regret, the guilt and shame of knowing they hurt and let go of one of the good ones, and they can never have another YOU again. We, on the other hand, will not only have had the trash take itself out, but we will only gain those who are better for us and who will only lift us up higher. It will raise your frequency! They will match your vibration, and together you will meet in alignment. They will appreciate your existence. They will let you know it everyday, and you will have a delicious everlasting bond that couldn’t have been there in your light due to the shadows that were casting you in their darkness.

So again, let it be! Let it go. And you will see that there will always be an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

“There are friends, then there are “best” friends!”♥️
S. Caprio-Negret
Friends are typically there for you when it’s fun and easy, and they tell you what you generally want to hear. Why? Because it’s easy. And most people are afraid of confrontation and rejection. But “best” friends tell you what you need to hear, whether you like it or not. Why? Because they have your “best” interest at heart. “Best” friends aren’t competitive or jealous. They don’t want to walk in your shadow, they want to hold your hand in the light. They want you to be happy! But they’re still going to tell you the truth. Through our truth, is where we find our authenticity and bliss. They love you when it’s easy, of course, but most importantly, they unconditionally love you when it’s tough.
If telling them your feelings or the truth makes them become defensive or argumentative, it may invite in the confrontation or rejection, but it’s only because they’re afraid and don’t want to face it. But truth be told, they’re only rejecting themselves. Only when issues are addressed can you reach positive change and growth. And there’s no change without change. That takes courage. But also it takes vulnerability. And only through vulnerability can we show who we really are, what we’re afraid of ~ what we’re hiding from. When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable with our friends, that leads to a deeper connection. That leads to acceptance. And only with deeper connection and acceptance, can we make a “best” friend. But it’s a “best” friend who will love you through it all! They don’t judge. They support. They listen. They encourage. They stick it out. They lift you up higher, they won’t bring you down.
So, if you have a lot of friends, good for you! Your life will be filled with surfaced friendships. But if you’ve made a “best” friend, hold onto them. Because you can bet times will get tough again, and when it does, you will need your “best” friend. The other friends will scatter, but the “best” friend will be right by your side… hand-in-hand. They’ll love you for who you are no matter what… whether or right or wrong, flaws and all. When you fall down and break, they’re the ones who are there to help you pick up the pieces.

Birthday Blog

Looking back over the last year…
I always love to write an annual birthday blog to reflect on how I’ve grown and what I’ve learned for sure. It may not be the same or resonate for you, but I still like to share my thoughts and experience, and hopefully, you will relate or even gain something from it yourself.
To keep it short, sweet, and to the point, I’m gonna write 11 things, being 11 is one of my lucky numbers. I have been seeing 11:11 constantly, which is just a sign for me from the universe that I’m conscious, in alignment, and in manifesting mode! At least, in my opinion.
So, here they are below. I hope you enjoy reading them!
1) I have learned that caring for and loving yourself first is the most important. Otherwise, you have nothing in your tank to offer anyone else. It’s not selfish, it’s self-FULL!!! It’s also self-LOVE <3
2) Sometimes the people you expect or rely on the most, disappoint you, and the ones you least expect, come through for you!
3) Plan your life, expect things to turn out a certain way, or control all your ducks lining up, and watch how it goes in a different direction. Expect the unexpected! “Man plans, God laughs!” Acceptance and surrendering are HUGE virtues!!
4) If you don’t find passion, fun, and/or joy in your life, you will slowly wither away!
5) Obviously, there are things we have to do. But if it’s a choice, ask yourself this, “Do I want to do it, or do I have to do it?” If it’s not a want, then it should be reconsidered. Your time is precious! Some things and people are worth it, and others are NOT.
6) Be kind. Go out of your way for the ones who are worth your time and appreciate you. It feels good to give! But don’t waste another second of your life on those who aren’t worth it or you have to make see your value. Otherwise, you will lose yourself in the process. If you add something to the relationship that’s valuable, and they don’t see it, it’s their loss, not yours!
7) It’s okay to respect other people’s no’s and boundaries, however, it’s just as important that they respect yours! It goes both ways. What you give, you get back. What you preach, follow. You reap what you sow, so be impeccable with your word and actions. Your reputation proceeds you.
8) Find time in a day to be creative in some way. Draw. Paint. Sculpt. Write. Dance. Plan an event. Be crafty. Do beauty treatments on yourself or someone else, etc…it’s therapy for the soul! You don’t have to be good, you just have to show up and be present.
9) Do something out of the goodness of your heart when you feel inspired to! Not to get a “thank you” or get anything back, just because it feels fantastic to give and put a smile a someone else’s face. They may need it. Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud when you can. There will come a time when you need it too. #GoodKarma
10) Slow down. We are moving too fast! When you move too fast, accidents and mishaps are more likely to happen. We forget things. We also miss out on the details. It’s okay to be late sometimes, it shows we are human. You don’t have to be perfect, just do your best! It’s all gonna be okay and work out. Don’t run people off the road to make your time work. Theirs is just as important. There’s a difference between disregarding other people’s time and you taking yours. Find the balance. When you move slower, meditate, stop and smell the roses a bit, you are more in alignment because you’re in the NOW! And that’s all we have is the NOW! Don’t look back, it’s over with. Don’t be in the future, it hasn’t happened yet. The now is a gift, and that’s why they call it the PRESENT!!! Because it’s never about the destination anyway, it’s always about the JOURNEY, which leads me to #11.
11) I use to want to manifest tangible things, and now I just want to manifest happiness, joy, abundance, prosperity, good health, and healthy relationships. If the person or situatin is toxic, I just walk away, and I don’t even have to announce it anymore. I use to have to explain it to the person, or try and make them see the light of day! Not anymore. It’s a total waste of precious energy. I always say don’t be afraid of my roar, be afraid of my silence. If I’m fighting with you, I’m still fighting for you. When I’m quiet, the lesson and relationship has served its purpose and is most likely done. Everyone’s journey is unique and their own, and the only and most important one to me, is MINE.
However, to add to this, I have learned this…relationships are like seasons. They change, come and go. However, the ones that are meant to be, will come back around again, just like the seasons always do eventually. But keep moving forward. Don’t look back. Keep your eye on the road ahead, and don’t let anyone or anything detour you off of your life’s path. That road is between you and God alone, and no one, I mean, no one has the power to change your destiny or purpose here.
PS. Everyday ask yourself what you bring to a room. There are two types of people ~ an energy-drainer or an energy-giver! Which are you? I know that I’m an energy-giver, because I know who and what I am. And I give 100 percent of myself and my heart when I give to those I care about. The difference between then and now is this…when it’s taken advantage of, I get very protective of it. Before, I used to take up so much time letting the energy vampires take from me or emotionally dump. I couldn’t understand why it was always about them or why they couldn’t see what blessings I contributed. I would be so drained and felt so unappreciated. Now, I know why. Just like a vampire who can’t see their own reflection in the mirror, they don’t even see themselves or their own toxicity, so how could they see ME? Because I choose to believe in me, I just withdraw now. Because at the end of the day, I choose ME. My life is meant to be celebrated and so is YOURS! So, what are you waiting for? It’s happening now. What better time is there?
#happybirthdaytome #september24th #Libra #thisis44 #liveandlearn #growth #blog #birthdayblog #amblogging
As far as the Writers’ Strike (WGA) is concerned, I wanted to say…
Good for them!!! I don’t typically post anything on worldly news or politics, but this one is close to home, and I fully support these writers! As an author and screenwriter, I can say that in Hollywood, the treatment isn’t great, especially if you’re a “woman” screenwriter. And many writers work for years with minimal to no paycheck. The majority of the movie exec’s and producers are typically rich white men who make the calls and dictate what happens with the creative vision, whether you like it or not. “You want your work sold? Write it the way we tell you it’ll be marketable. No, you like my work? Take it or leave it. But if you take it, appreciate it!!” Appreciate the story we want to share. Appreciate that you’re not doing us a favor and making us money, we’re giving you an opportunity to make money. Not the other way around, actually. I’m not saying don’t make revisions, that’s a neccesity, I’m saying don’t break it down and build it back up the way you want, and then pay us crap!! Then it’s no longer our vision, our rights, our project baby. They toss you around the industry like you’re replaceable, don’t pay enough, and don’t value you enough! Meanwhile, if is wasn’t for the writers who are the backbone and heart of the story, there would be none, and there wouldn’t be any jobs for producers, movie exec’s, actors, TV hosts and personalities, etc… yet the front men and women get all the fame, fortune, and credit.
Don’t even get me started on the celebrities who write (don’t write their own memoirs, children’s books, etc…) and become bestsellers the week their books are released, yet there are unknown writers who work years on their books or screenplays, before being released, who are so talented and can barely make ends meet. Can I be an actor tomorrow without studying the craft first for years, or dance “The Nutcracker” after a few ballet lessons? No! Yet, everyone thinks they have a great story and can write a book! Maybe you do have a great story, maybe not to someone else, but not everyone can or should write a book or a script. If I had a dollar for every time someone told me that. It’s an insult, by the way, to us who are actually out there busting our butts, day in and day out!! Or those who don’t write and try and give us tips on how to sell our work. It’s not a hobby either. It’s our careers!!! I’ve been a writer, studying the craft and writing for over twenty years. Not a hobby. My life’s path. It’s theirs too. Time to take the writers more serious. I can’t even begin to tell you how many people still don’t even ask me or acknowledge my work, or their faces when I tell them I’m a published author and have written a “gangster-crime-drama feature,” like I’m a green alien. “I had no idea!” One guy even said to me once, “I didn’t think you did anything.” I vommitted in my mouth! Lol! Hey, don’t judge a book by its cover. It would be like me not validating you with what you do. Everyone needs to be seen, heard, appreciated and validated for their hard work!
How many of you know the actors who played in “The Godfather, When Harry Met Sally, The Goonies, Moonstruck, Steel Magnolias, The Princess Bride”, just to name a few great ones…but, how many of you know who wrote it off the top of your heads? Exactly!!! Time to change this. The artists only highlight the good writing. Bad writing can make any good artist look bad, but good writing can make any bad artist look good.
#fistsup #pensdown #writersstrike

Autistic individuals are here to teach us that they will not conform to society’s standards of the way they live. They’re here to show us how to conform to their way of living, whether we like it or not. In all honesty, they don’t care about what we think. We care about what we think. And in that, there’s freedom in conformity and ego. The hardest thing for us to separate for us as human beings ~ our soul, which is in its pure essence, from the ego. Autistic individuals are already living in their purest essence, which is in total alignment to our Source. Therefore, they’re showing us our own truest essence, and how to demonstrate to us that difference — that separation. So, by not changing or fixing them, we’re fixing us. We’re fixing our approach to their way. They’re imperfectly perfect, and there’s nothing about any special needs individual that needs to be fixed. All they need is love and acceptance. But the biggest lesson is them actually showing us what we need to accept and fix about ourselves.

What if we changed our thought process — our perspective? Instead of asking, “How can we make it better for them to fit into what we believe is a normal life?” Maybe we ask ourselves this, “How can we make it more comfortable for us to fit inside their normal lives?” I mean, what the heck is normal anyway? No one I know is. Is it getting a college education, getting married, having children, being successful, having the picture-perfect house or car? Nothing wrong with any of that, by the way. I’m just sayin’! I mean, who defines this? What if their souls are coming onto our planet — more and more — in large numbers to change us? Because they are “changing” us. What if it’s to raise our frequency to theirs, and not the other way around? Maybe they’re not meant to be ‘normal’. Maybe they’re here to teach us: patience, understanding, unconditional love, how to be in a moment, freedom. Freedom from what? You may ask. From our own self-absorbent egos… how we look, what we make, what others think, who we vote for, etc… Because truth be told, they don’t care about any of that. They just are. And God forbid that is our life’s purpose…to just be…to not accomplish any accolades, awards, or trophies or be the most successful person on the block with the biggest house. To be the all-time, talented sport’s jock. The next best lawyer or doctor. What if they are here to just be? To simply change the world by existing in their purest, most natural form. God made us all different for a reason. So, wouldn’t these individuals have theirs? Of course, they do! So, why does society always feel the need to control it for them, or to change the course of their destiny? What if the only answer on how to respond to their so-called condition, “autism,” is to just be loved and accepted? That’s it! Would that be so bad? Isn’t that what we all strive for anyway? What if their main purpose is to remind us that’s all that really matters? Wouldn’t that be enough? It should be. Maybe next time you run into a parent with an autistic child you don’t make a recommendation for them on how to fix or make it better for their child or themselves. Maybe you mean well, yes. But, maybe you’re insulting them because it translates to, “Your child isn’t good enough as is, so let me assist in making them a better human being! Or you haven’t thought about that yet as a parent? What are you some kind of idiot?” Trust me. We have. Before you. Wouldn’t you be insulted if it was your so-called ‘normal’ kid? I mean, if the parent asks for your advice, then by all means, go for it and give it ALL away! But if I had to guess, they’re not. Because most of them have thought about ten-hundred times more things for their own child than you could have ever imagined! So, we’re not asking…unless we are “really” asking. Most of the time, it’s unwanted advice and not needed. However, this is what a parent of an autistic child wants to hear. I know because I am one. “Hey, you’re doing a great job! But, if you ever need anything or any recommendations, I have some good ones, and I’m here for you. How can I help?” Offer, but don’t push. Then, allow them the decency to ask on their own terms. It’s not personal. That parent of an autistic child has one thousand thoughts, ideas, plans, solutions, hopes, cares, work ahead, therapy, schooling, you name it, etc…on their brains. The last thing they need is an unsolicited suggestion about how playing outside and socializing with other kids can help them tremendously, changing their diets can fix their gut issues, or therapy works wonders! Duh!!! We know, and it’s not always that simple. I’m just trying to save you from the ignorance. I’m not meaning your intentions aren’t coming from a good place; They usually are. But, we’re not raising lab rats. We’re raising children, just like you are.

The rainbow’s symbolism is hope. The storm always passes. The sun eventually comes out, and you have to get through the rain to see the rainbow.  The rainbow is the symbol for autism. So, wouldn’t the symbolism for autism be hope? Incase you forgot the true meaning of the word, let me refresh your memory. “Hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes in ones’s life or the world at large.” If you ask me, that’s exactly what they’re here to teach. Couldn’t be a more “perfect” plan or individual made from God; God doesn’t make mistakes. But God doesn’t create free will. We do, and so does the soul. So, respect these individuals’ decision to come here as they are, while we have the free will to reposed to them as we choose. Choose wisely. Put yourself in their shoes. Would they judge you? So, who’s the one who needs to conform? They’ve already mastered it! They are the true teachers. We are their students. Not the other way around. Like it or not. It is what it is. If it makes you uncomfortable that you can’t control or fix them, then you’re the one who needs fixing. On that last note, if your intention is to love, guide, care for, accept, acknowledge, embrace, spend time with, get to know, and encourage them, then thank you and you’ve learned their lesson.

Forty-three, love me! 43… love you💕
All about the L.O.V.E this year💗
“It’s the way of life…”
Every year on my birthday, I like to write a little blog about where I am emotionally, spiritually, physically, etc…
I usually base it on a theme. This year’s theme is forty-three, LOVE ME. This year is gonna be all about self-love and care. I’ve already started going into it on a nutritional plan, already down seven pounds and counting and feeling great!! 42 was an absolute emotional roller coaster… there were some amazing blessings, like purchasing my new Key Largo condo, which has been awesome, but there were also a lot of loss and new beginnings. Transformations. Change. Growth. I’ve also watched many people I love go through their own. So, that’s not easy for an empath!! But I also felt myself pulled in a thousand different directions, not just with myself, but to help others as well. A lot of people rely on me, need me, count on me, etc… and although, I feel loved and blessed with abundance, it’s time to draw some serious lines in the sand. So, the next year will be about focusing on my health, nutrition, and fitness again. I want to get back into great shape! I’ll be diving into my career ~ more writing, my passion projects, creativity ~ finding time to do what pleases me and gives me joy! More time to laugh and have fun. Life is short! That I’ve witnessed. People take it and themselves WAY too seriously! I want to do less of that. I’ve gotten so much better at being in a moment, including NOT being on social media when I’m in one. Finding the perfect balance between my family time, ME time, time with my husband (ALONE), time with my friends, time for my career, etc… because I do believe you can have it all. If you practice BALANCE, and learn to give back to yourself. Love yourself more everyday! Self-love. Self-acceptance. Acceptance on where you currently are in your life. Be easy on yourself! Patience, compassion, grace and kindness more for YOU. Gratitude and appreciation on what you DO have. Lack of attention to what you don’t. Stop beating the drum to negativity or what doesn’t work! Stop wasting time on people who don’t fit into your life, who you have to chase down, or don’t do right by you! That one I got long ago! But really, I do feel I just get better with age. Because, “When you know better, you do better!” Like Maya Angelou said.
Taking the time to love yourself and to say no more to others may sound selfish, but it couldn’t be further from the truth! I always say it’s self-FULL!! I am the most selfless, giving, compassionate person, and sometimes that can be a problem. It can become expected, or non-appreciated, or even taken advantage of. Then that’s when my tank goes straight to EMPTY and DONE! So, this year I will be filling it back up with all the love and care and things, people, and places that I love to do and see and be with!!! Not, “I have to do it… I want to do it!” I need to take this year to fill it back up. There were so many people who came to my rescue when I needed it most (when my sister passed), whom I’m forever grateful to, but there were also a few who surprisingly really let me down. They don’t even know it, or maybe they do. They should know better, at least. Some I even expected because I have always done it for them. Those are the ones to release and let go of. No heavy weight or baggage! No even telling them or explaining it. Why bother? Wasted energy. There’s always an opportunity for people to show you their true colors. And boy, when given the chance, do they ever!! Believe them the first time. But let them take the trash out for you. No more toxicity. Just positivity and good vibes! 43. Love me. Love you💕💓💕
Pick and choose wisely who and what are worth your time. But more importantly, pick and choose even more wisely who and what are worth the battle.
My mantra for this year, “If it or they don’t dazzle you, it or they aren’t for you!”✨✨✨
Now, let’s go DAZZLE and LOVE ourselves more!!!