“There are friends, then there are “best” friends!”♥️
S. Caprio-Negret
Friends are typically there for you when it’s fun and easy, and they tell you what you generally want to hear. Why? Because it’s easy. And most people are afraid of confrontation and rejection. But “best” friends tell you what you need to hear, whether you like it or not. Why? Because they have your “best” interest at heart. “Best” friends aren’t competitive or jealous. They don’t want to walk in your shadow, they want to hold your hand in the light. They want you to be happy! But they’re still going to tell you the truth. Through our truth, is where we find our authenticity and bliss. They love you when it’s easy, of course, but most importantly, they unconditionally love you when it’s tough.
If telling them your feelings or the truth makes them become defensive or argumentative, it may invite in the confrontation or rejection, but it’s only because they’re afraid and don’t want to face it. But truth be told, they’re only rejecting themselves. Only when issues are addressed can you reach positive change and growth. And there’s no change without change. That takes courage. But also it takes vulnerability. And only through vulnerability can we show who we really are, what we’re afraid of ~ what we’re hiding from. When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable with our friends, that leads to a deeper connection. That leads to acceptance. And only with deeper connection and acceptance, can we make a “best” friend. But it’s a “best” friend who will love you through it all! They don’t judge. They support. They listen. They encourage. They stick it out. They lift you up higher, they won’t bring you down.
So, if you have a lot of friends, good for you! Your life will be filled with surfaced friendships. But if you’ve made a “best” friend, hold onto them. Because you can bet times will get tough again, and when it does, you will need your “best” friend. The other friends will scatter, but the “best” friend will be right by your side… hand-in-hand. They’ll love you for who you are no matter what… whether or right or wrong, flaws and all. When you fall down and break, they’re the ones who are there to help you pick up the pieces.

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