Birthday Note

“Glowing UP”

#Thisis45 ((9.24))

Every year for my birthday, I like to take a moment to reflect on the last year. I like to write a blog for my birthday, regarding how I feel where I am in my life. Currently, I am in a place of triumph, moving on, and what I like to call, “glowing UP”!

This last year, I have been handed some pretty challenging situations — without stating what they are specifically — I do not like to beat to the drum of problems, and I do not like to play victim to my circumstances. We all have difficult circumstances in our lives to learn from. Although these certain situations could have torn me down, I instead have grown from them significantly! Like the phoenix, I feel I have risen from the ashes! I am not dismissing the hardships that I have been through. However, I have chosen to feel them, learn from them, heal from them, move on from them, and “glow up” from them!!!

I am coming into a completely new chapter of my life, whereas I am divulging within and serving my heart, soul, and needs — first and foremost! Of course, I am a mother, so the needs and care of my family are of the upmost priority and importance! What I’m saying is that although I am centered around always taking care of them, it doesn’t mean that I neglect my own. In other words, I have come to the conclusion, that through trying to not lose other people, and taking care of everyone else’s needs, you lose yourself in the process. I have learned that it doesn’t matter sometimes how much you give of yourself to certain people. Sometimes, they still let you down and break your heart. They still expect certain things from you. Sometimes no matter how much you do for them, it still may never be enough. The difference is now I know that that has nothing to do with me, and it has everything to do with them. I am just an innocent bystander who is in the crossfire of their projection. It is nothing I did. Because I did everything I could for them. So, how could it be? The punishment doesn’t always fit the crime. You can be a an incredible person, and still be mistreated. I know who I am in my heart and all the wonderful blessings and abundance that I have to shower onto others that I have relationships with in my life, and that is good enough! If they don’t see it, then it is their problem. I know longer waste my energy on trying to make them see what I offer or bring to the table. I simply move on, let go, and give it to God! I would rather be at peace then be right or make them see the light! I have my own journey to live and they have theirs. My journey is going to look the way I want it to look, and it does not matter if anyone agrees with it, if it makes them happy, or it brings some grief, because at the end of the day, it is my life to live. Those who truly love me and see my value, will see it without me having to push that insight onto them. The relationship will just flow effortlessly. I am not saying that relationships do not take work. They all take work! What I’m saying is, is that true relationships will stand the test of time of ups and downs without any expectations, and those individuals will be willing to stick around to work on it because you’re worth it to them. I will never force another to stay in my life! Ever. The beauty of my relationship with others will be in a blissful place ~ an even exchange of give and take, respecting where the other is in that stage of their life. It will not cast judgment. It will hold a place of respect, a safe space to exchange feelings and emotions, yet draw healthy boundaries. What has ended, or has filtered away, was meant to come to an ending. It or they was not meant for you any longer. It will no longer hold any negative space for me or serve me from this point forward. It lives in the past. I do not live in the past, nor live in the future. I choose to dwell in the present. The past has molded me, and the future brings me excitement and anticipation! It also gives me continuous inspiration to keep dreaming, live with passion, and aim to live my best life! But that’s as far as it should go. Otherwise, you miss the NOW moments! That is the best that I have in my ability within myself, and that should be enough… not only for others, but more importantly, for myself.

Everyone has something significant to contribute and everyone’s life matters! It’s finding that within yourself and relationships with others who mirror that back to you. Life is short and precious. I know that from losing a best friend and a sister young in my life! We’re not meant to constantly struggle. Struggle comes with the journey as being human, but it’s not meant to be the dominant force in our lives. Let go of the anger, grief, resentment, etc… that poison just eats you alive. Accept what is — among others and on our planet. Who’s to say they or it isn’t exactly where it should be anyway? Love, joy, passion, creating, manifesting, laughter, etc… is meant to be why we are here. If we aren’t in a place where those things aren’t driving us, then we’re not in the right place. It’s up to us to change it. No one else. Don’t waste another minute accepting that there isn’t more your’e entitled to, for you are entitled to very good situations and people in your life! Period. There is always more out there that can help us expand happiness! My mantra now is, “Don’t settle for less than what you deserve!”

I’m “glowing UP” — HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!

Every challenging situation makes you stronger, that’s why they happen to us in the first place. Remember: “At the end of the storm, there is the rainbow.”

#makethatwish #surrenderthehow #miracleshappeneveryday #nevergiveup #happybirthdaygirl #libraseason #newbeginnings #glowingup